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Brazilian Stretch Mark Camouflage

Brazilian Stretch Mark Camouflage in Beverly Hills

Brazilian Stretch Mark Camouflage

Brazilian stretch mark camouflage is an aesthetic technique using tattooing method that deals with  imperfection of stretch marks in your body to make it less noticeable. They are considered normal but  annoying to everyone.

What to Expect of Brazilian Stretch Mark Camouflage

33-70% enhancement can be noticed in only ONE SESSION, but we at Sutra Medical Aesthetics recommend 2-4 sessions to get the best results. We develop our cosmetic techniques to suit each patient’s needs with 100% satisfaction.

What Skin Type Can Be Treated?

Generally, all skin types! However, there are few people who would not qualify for the treatment. The scar or mark should be lighter than your skin tone and it should be completely healed. We can’t apply treatment over recent mark or scars that are not recovered yet.


Brazilian Stretch Mark Camouflage Aftercare

One of the most important steps to Brazilain Stretch Mark Camouflage is the aftercare that accelerates healing.  Sutra Medical Aesthetics asks our patients to avoid scratching, swimming and sweating in the treated area of your body.

Stretch Mark Camouflage While Pregenancy or Breast Feeding

Our poriority at Sutra Medical Aesthetics is your and your baby’s safety. Therefore, we neither do nor recommend stretch mark camouflage treatment while pregnancy and breastfeeding. But you are welcome after breastfeeding phase.


Stretch Mark Camouflage in Beverly Hills.

When looking for an aesthetician to remove your stretch marks or scars in Beverly Hills, try to find the an expert. A reputable clinic always gets your needs done and exceeds your expectations. Reviews of Google Maps gives you a decest clue.


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The Benefits of Treating Your Skin Right

A good skin care routine is only as good as the products you use.
Your habits towards your skin can help your it stay in good conditions. Prevention is always easier than correction.

Receiving aesthetic treatments like Botox, Dysport, laser hair removal, permanent makeup have an emphatic and immediate effect on your body which would boost appearance. Aesthetics treatments are some of the most effective ways of improving one’s appearance. Therefore; you get a better health, immediate and long-lasting results, increased self-esteem, low maintenance and finally self-confidence and self-satisfaction.

Common Questions on Acne Back Facial!

Does Brazilian stretch mark camouflage treatment hurt?

One the needles go into your skin, it may cause some minor discomfort. 


What is the downtime for stretch mark camouflage?

If you notice red and swollen skin immediately  at the treatment site, do not panic because this is normal. 

How long before I see the final result?

The final  stretch mark camouflage result can take up to two months post treatment depending on your skin type. To get the best results you still need to take 2-4 sessions and follow the aftercare instructions. 

How long does stretch mark camouflage take?

Depnding on the area of your body, it may take 1-3 hours.


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