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Microneedling in Beverly Hills

Microneedling in Beverly Hills

Microneedling in Beverly Hills is provided by Sutra Medical Aesthetics. Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses a very thin needle to rejuvenate skin. It can minimize the appearance of wrinkles, acne, stretch marks or scars with no risks of discoloration at all.

Conditions Mincroneedling Treat

Microneedling is used to treat a variety of skin conditions that cause depressions in the skin like acne scarring, surgical scars, other scars, burns, enlarged pores, wrinkles (rhytides), and stretch marks (striae). Sometimes it’s used before the application of minoxidil that treats hair loss.

Medical Conditions That Prevent Microneedling Procedure

Microneedling may not be suitable for patients who are sensitive to numbing medication, patients with bleeding disorder, and patients with condition that affect their skin like eczema or diabetes or even with weak immune system.


How Often Should I Undergo Microneedling

After a microneedling procedure, you will receive an immediate rejuvenation of the skin. The actual results appear when your treated area generates new collagen, skin cells and elastin. So, we recommend 3-4 weeks for 3 treatments.

Downtime After Microneedling

It seems that there is no recovery time after your microneedling session. You will experience some redness over the treated area that looks like a mild sunburn. This redness most likely to disappear next day. You also may notice some swelling, which is very normal as well.

Find Microneedling in Beverly Hills

When looking for an aesthetician to get your Microneedling in Beverly Hills, try to find a trustworthy expert. A reputable clinic always gets your needs done and exceeds your expectations. Reviews on Google surly help you know a place.


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The Benefits of Treating Your Skin Right

A good skin care routine is only as good as the products you use.
Your habits towards your skin can help your it stay in good conditions. Prevention is always easier than correction.

Receiving aesthetic treatments like Botox, Dysport, laser hair removal, permanent makeup have an emphatic and immediate effect on your body which would boost appearance. Aesthetics treatments are some of the most effective ways of improving one’s appearance. Therefore; you get a better health, immediate and long-lasting results, increased self-esteem, low maintenance and finally self-confidence and self-satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Question on Microneedling!

What should I avoid before microneedling?

Do not use abrasive skincare products, such as exfoliants, retinol, and acids for at least 48 hours prior to Microneedling. in addition, you need to avoid harmful UV ray exposure from direct sunlight and tanning beds for the six days before your session.

What should I avoid after microneedling?

After your microneedling procedure, it’s highly recommended to avoid exfoliants, retinols, and vitamin C. Stop the application of skin care products that consist of chemical ingredients.

Does microneedling have side effects?

There are no serious side effects to be aware of. Only short term swelling, redness and skin flaking for a few days.

Is microneedling better than botox?

Both microneedling and Botox injections are safe and effective for patients with all skin types. Depending on patient needs, you may even recommend both, using microneedling to improve the surface and deeper condition of the skin, with Botox injections to help improve results longer term.


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