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Intimate Lightening

Intimate Lightening in Beverly Hills

Intimate Lightening

Intimate lightening in Beverly Hills is provided by Sutra Medical Aesthetics. Intimate lightening is a non-invasive procedure for enhancing the pigmentation of the underarms and intimate area. This aesthetic service can be performed on men and women and take 30-90 minutes.

Intimate Lightening vs Darkness

It is completely normal to have darker skin in such sensitive areas, such as your anal, underarms and bikini area.  Our treatments effectively lighten and rejuvenate the look of your more sensitive intimate areas. This process  should be under an expert’s supervision.


Consultation Required

A consultation is highly required prior to intimacy lightening therapy. You should meet with one  of  our skin experts. Then he will decide whether you are qualified or not for the treatment. Our expert will discuss your concerns and give your some instruction for treatment.

Intimate Lightening by Expert vs by Yourself

Although lightening creams are plethora in markets, but not all products are effective. The misuse of a product may lead to turning skin too light or thinning your skin that results visible blood vessels. It may leave scars or damage skin.


Intimate Lightening Aftercare

After you intimate lightening treatment, downtime can range between a few days and 2 weeks. During this time, use a soap free cleanser and refrain from excessive exfoliating or scrubbing. Don’t take hot showers, saunas or exercise for at least 24 hours.

Find Intimate Lightening in Beverly Hills

When looking for an aesthetician to get intimate lightening treatment in Beverly Hills, try to find an expert. A reputable clinic always gets your needs done and exceeds your expectations. Out staff is well-trained and experienced.


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The Benefits of Treating Your Skin Right

A good skin care routine is only as good as the products you use.
Your habits towards your skin can help your it stay in good conditions. Prevention is always easier than correction.

Receiving aesthetic treatments like Botox, Dysport, laser hair removal, permanent makeup have an emphatic and immediate effect on your body which would boost appearance. Aesthetics treatments are some of the most effective ways of improving one’s appearance. Therefore; you get a better health, immediate and long-lasting results, increased self-esteem, low maintenance and finally self-confidence and self-satisfaction.

Common Questions on  Intimate Lightening!

How many sessions are required for intimate lightening?

It is very depentant. Some skin types require 1-3 session while others 3-6. Your specilist can tell you exactly how many session you need.

Is intimate skin lightening suitable for men and women?

Men and women who are experiencing a discolored intimate area are suitable for treatment.

Are the results of intimate lightening permanent?

No clinic can offer life time results, only long term results. This can change in time, especially during pregnancy.


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