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Inkless Camouflage

Inkless Camouflage in Beverly Hills

Inkless Camouflage

Inkless camouflage in Beverly Hills is provided by Sutra Medical Aesthetics. Inkless camouflage tends to smooth stretch marks and scars to make them less noticeable. It is a natural treatment that can camouflage stretch mark of any color like red, white or purple.

Inkless Camouflage Technique

This technique can be used over the entire body (usually except the face) and works with the body’s natural repair mechanics to reduce the appearance of scarring and stretch marks and bring back the bodies natural pigment/skin colour into the scar and stretch mark.

Inkless Camouflage Result

The treatment results are relative. Some considerations may affect the outcomes like age, color, skin type and treated area. However; most patients can see results after 2-4 sessions with 25%-60% scar reduction. Your provider should openly expect results prior to your treatment.


What to Avoid Before Treatment

Prior to your inkless camouflage treatment, you should avoid aspirin 24-48 hours prior to your appointment. Do not drink alcohol, caffeine or blood thinner 24 hours before treatment. We also suggest avoiding fish oil or vitamin E 5-7 days before your appointment as well.

Inkless Camouflage Aftercare

After your camouflage treatment, you should avoid peeling or even scratching treated area. Avoid sweating for 5-7 days after appointment. Swimming and tanning are not allowed for at least 30 days. Finally, avoid perfume and tight clothes around the camouflaged area.

Find Inkless Camouflage in Beverly Hills

When looking for an aesthetician to get  Inkless Camouflage in Beverly Hills, try to find an expert. A reputable clinic always gets your needs done and exceeds your expectations. Trust only clinics with well-trained and experienced staff.

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The Benefits of Treating Your Skin Right

A good skin care routine is only as good as the products you use.
Your habits towards your skin can help your it stay in good conditions. Prevention is always easier than correction.

Receiving aesthetic treatments like Botox, Dysport, laser hair removal, permanent makeup have an emphatic and immediate effect on your body which would boost appearance. Aesthetics treatments are some of the most effective ways of improving one’s appearance. Therefore; you get a better health, immediate and long-lasting results, increased self-esteem, low maintenance and finally self-confidence and self-satisfaction.

Common Questions on Inkliess Camouflage!

How long does camouflage tattoo last?

On average scar camouflage tattoos last anywhere between 3 to 5 years.

How old do scars and stretch marks need to be in order to treat?

For scars, they should be at least 2 yrs old. for strech marks must be at least 1 year old.

Will my scars be completely gone?

The treatment is meant to reduce or camouflage scars only. There is nothing available to completely eliminate them. The treatment improves the appearance 25%-60%.

What does the healing process look like?

The healing downtime for inkless camouflage is relevant and variant.  You will experience redness and swelling immediately after the procedure for the first 5 days. However, after almost 2-3 months all redness will be gone.


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