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Liquid Hand Rejuvenation

Hand Rejuvenation in Beverly Hills

Hand Rejuvenaion in Beverly Hills

Hand rejuvenation in Beverly Hills is provided by Sutra Medical Aesthetics. Hand rejuvenation is designed to improve the appearance of the hands. It can include a variety or combination of treatments meant to treat the top of the hands.

Hand Rejuvenation vs Injections

Injections are the most applied treatments for hand. Dermal fillers can be injected into hands that experience a loss of volume. There are several fillers that work well for hand rejuvenation like Restylane Lyft®, Volume, or Radiesse® that can increase collagen in hands.

Hand Rejuvenation vs Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels are noninvasive options that can lighten dark spots on the hands by using a chemical solution. Once the superficial layers of skin is peeled off, this allows fresher and new toned skin to develop, although results may vary.

Before Hand Rejuvenation Treatment

Some chemical peels may require the application of special creams in the weeks before the procedure. Also, patients may be asked to quit smoking and to refrain from taking aspirin and supplements to prevent excess bleeding.

Hand Rejuvenation Aftercare

Aftercare for hand rejuvenation is dependent upon the type of treatment undergone. Dermal filler injections may not require the same special recovery considerations as other forms of hand enhancements. Therefore, you should get instructions from your esthetician.

Find Hand Rejuvenation in Beverly Hills

When searching for an aesthetician for hand rejuvenation treatment in Beverly Hills, try to find an expert. A reputable clinic always gets your needs done and exceeds your expectaions becides using the most advanced technology. 


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The Benefits of Treating Your Skin Right

A good skin care routine is only as good as the products you use.
Your habits towards your skin can help your it stay in good conditions. Prevention is always easier than correction.

Receiving aesthetic treatments like Botox, Dysport, laser hair removal, permanent makeup have an emphatic and immediate effect on your body which would boost appearance. Aesthetics treatments are some of the most effective ways of improving one’s appearance. Therefore; you get a better health, immediate and long-lasting results, increased self-esteem, low maintenance and finally self-confidence and self-satisfaction.

Common Questions on Hand Rejuvenation!

What can be done to rejuvenate hand?

If age spots, wrinkly skin, or other signs of aging bother you, then you have these options:
  • Laser therapy.
  • Chemical peels.
  • Injections. (Botox, Dermal Fillers)

What is the best treatment to rejuvenate skin?

The best treatments for rejuvenating hands: 

  • Botox. 
  • Dermal fillers.
  • Chemical Peels.
  • Microneedling.
  • Laser skin resurfacing.

Which laser treatment is good for hand rejuvenation?

Fractional laser is an extremely useful procedure for hand rejuvenation since it can eliminate pigmentation and resurfaces rough skin texture.

What is the best filler for hand rejuvenation?

The best two types of fillers can be Radiesse® and Restylane® Lyft. They are the two most popular fillers for the hands.


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